

I made a demo, so you probably can, too

Update (2023-12-09): fixed typos/style

Note: this article was mostly written in Feb 2022, it has been shelved for over a year and mostly unchanged, aside from minor cleanups and added content. Take with a grain of salt.

I hope my future employer will not read this!

Due to popular demand, I decided to write an article about how the LZW demogroup and its debut production came to be, or at least how it went from my perspective. I may have not been particularly diligent about version control, but I have recorded the state of the demo pretty much throughout its entire development in other ways, since I communicated with Loni heavily and sent her various video snippets and pictures. I’ll mostly be showing those, instead of boring you too much with the tech talk.


How to make your own raphnet N64 to USB (v3) adapter

Update (2022-10-29): simplified instructions, teensy section, update prices

Update (2021-07-15): removed mention of pullup resistor (internal pullup is sufficient), added mention of screw terminal shields, minor edits


The original raphnet adapter code is designed to run on a custom board based on ATmega32U2. However, a pull request with minor changes made it so it’s possible to compile the code for an ATmega32U4, which is commonplace in many cheap development boards, such as Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro. This guide will cover the compilation process and hardware setup necessary to turn your board into a fully functional N64 adapter.

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